das minhas musicas, por ser romântica mas melancólica,
cantada com a voz rouca inegualavel, Dance Me To The End Of Love...
de uma comovedora carta de despedida à sua musa inspiradora (que morreu há
alguns meses), Leonard Cohen parecia antever a sua partida...
"It said well Marianne it’s come to this time when we are really so old
and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know
that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can
reach mine." (...)
"And you know that I’ve always loved you for your beauty and your wisdom,
but I don’t need to say anything more about that because you know all about
now, I just want to wish you a very good journey. Goodbye old friend. Endless
love, see you down the road".
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